St Edmund, in a sermon, spoke of a ‘great day.’ He was queried as to what that was.
Queen’s counsel: So, what would you wish more manifest? The great day is threatened, comfortable to them and terrible to us; and what day should that be wherein the Pope, the King of Spain, and the Duke of Florence have appointed to invade this realm?
St Edmund: O Judas! Judas! No other day was in my mind, I protest, than that wherein it should please God to make a restitution of faith and religion. Wherein, as in every pulpit every Protestant doth, I pronounced a great day, not wherein any temporal potentate should minister, but wherein the terrible Judge should reveal all men’s consciences and try every man of every kind of religion. This is the great day of change, this is the great day which I threatened.
Source: Edmund Campion: Jesuit and Martyr, written by Evelyn Waugh
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