5 January, 1997
OUR LORD: My sweet children: I will continue to advise you regarding the Great Warning. Remember, My children, that the time and circumstance of the Great Warning is a gift of Love from the Eternal Father, made possible by the prayers and Grace won for you by the Blessed Virgin Mary. You have Her to thank, for She has won this gift of Love for you.
Now, do not offer criticism regarding such a gift of Love for you do not recognize the real, possible, effect. It will help all mankind to understand that God forgives them and wants them in Heaven with Him for all eternity. This is an opportunity for even the hardened sinners to receive the Gift of salvation if only they confess their sins and amend their lives on Earth. That is all. Confess their sins, and turn away from their sins and evil.
My sweet children: We do not want all of you lost to Us forever in Hell. We want Our children in Heaven with Us. We have made homes for you to live with Us. We have prepared a place for all of you. All you must do is to return to Us, believe in God; confess your sins and try to live holy lives. This is the time when many who are last shall be first because they have confessed their sins and returned to God their souls for Eternal Life in Heaven.
I want you all with Me. My Mother and I ponder how many will answer Our call to holiness. Please, My faithful children: you answer Our call now, also. Do not presume on your merits. To those who have been given much, much is expected.
Now, My dear children, I want to share some more facts on the situation: the world’s climate and social concerns for a part of the Great Warning is the worldÂwide upheaval to follow it.
- I have told you that there would be a world-wide food shortage due to the destruction of vegetation, and have asked you to have a food stock hand at home – also water and Blessed Grapes.
- I have told you that there would be an economic collapse and this will occur due to the World’s Bank meeting to help so many countries.
- I have told you that Maitreya with the Anti-Pope shall lead and deceive you during this time for they will take advantage of the world-wide tragedies to bring forth their plan to rule the world.
- I have told you that war between all nations would begin at the instigation of the evil leadership in some countries who will want to take advantage of the time when larger nations are very vulnerable and weak, due to these crises.
- I have told you that to gain authority and power, the Antichrist shall cause the death of many leaders of the world and then be able to take over their countries’ leadership. I assure you people will want him as their leader.
- I have told you that food would be rationed and through the Mark of the Beast all people would receive a share.
- I have told you never to accept the Mark of the Beast for it is the sign of 666 and with it you are destined for Hell.
- I have told you that Saint Joseph with the Apostles and Disciples of My Most Holy Mother shall begin and maintain the True Catholic Faith within the Remnant Church because of the schism the Anti-Pope shall foster, due to his heresies. Saint Joseph has gathered people together to pray. He will continue to assist all of you who wish to be faithful to the Dogma and Traditions of the Holy Roman Catholic Church and Faith to join together, to have the Sacraments, and Priestly counsel from Holy, Marian, Priests. That is why I have asked and asked you to seek out Holy Priests who would serve the True Church in the days before and after the Warning, and on to the three days of darkness.
- I have told you to make your homes holy, to pray each day together in your homes.
- I have asked you to obtain images of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for each room.
- I have asked you to put crucifixes and Saint Benedict medals on all windows and doors.
- I have asked you to obtain and keep blessed candles for light and warmth.
- I have asked you to obtain images of the Saints, Angels and maintain your homes free of evil by the frequent use of Holy water sprinkled throughout your homes.
- I have asked you to keep extra Rosaries and prayer books on hand.
- I have asked you to obtain warm clothing and blankets for the cold.
- I have asked you to prepare; to wash, clean and store your goods against bug infestation.
- I have asked you to store goods for the days when you cannot obtain them. Go out to buy them, or obtain money to purchase them.
All these things and more We have asked you to do; alerted you to what you will need – and now you truly see why I and My Mother with all the Heavenly Hosts have been so concerned.
Your physical, mental and Spiritual preparation is vital to your security; to your peace of mind. But, My children, your Spiritual preparation will pull you through the most difficult of days. Therefore you must prepare yourselves today. Spiritually. Please do not delay further.
I have told you that there would be persecution of Catholics. There will be imprisonment of Priests and Christians, as in the days when Jewish peoples were imprisoned. They will destroy your Churches, desecrate your holy images and the Holy Eucharist.
Now, some may ask who “they” are. I will tell you. “They” are all those who have “declared” for the Antichrist, Maitreya. These people he will force to do his bidding, to help him accomplish his goals to destroy Christianity, and especially Catholicism.
I wish to state clearly here: it is impossible to declare an alliance with Maitreya and still remain a practicing Catholic. My children, he is the personification of Satan. He is against God and the Catholic Church. You cannot serve God and Satan, My children.
Some of My children do not believe there is a problem with this. Oh, My children, wake up. He is the Antichrist. Be aware that a declaration for Maitreya is a vote for Satan. Put your distance as far as possible from him. Oh, My children, you see how easily you are swayed: his talk convinces, his intent is deadly. Oh, beware, My children; beware!
I Love you all. Jesus”
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